Readings & Scriptures to Study
Turning Weaknesses into Strengths
1 CORINTHIANS 1:27-28 "Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers
foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose those who are
powerless to shame to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by
the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what
the world considers important..."
We will be looking at four women of the Bible whom Jesus loved, forgave, and
changed. One important thing to know about Jesus is that He loved these women
before they were changed by Him.
All of us can relate with one or more of these women in some way today:
- The Woman at the Well - The Outcast.
(JOHN 4:1-42)
- The Woman Caught in Adultery - Condemned.
(JOHN 8:3-12)
- The Woman Healed from Hemorrhaging - Suffering.
(MARK 5:25-34)
- The Woman Who Lived a Sinful Life - Rejected.
(LUKE 7:36-50)
Over the next week read about each of these women and the lives they were living before
they meet Jesus, and after they met Him. Think about these questions as you are reading:
- What do I have in common with these women?
- In what ways do I need what they received from Jesus?
- Am I willing to be changed by Jesus’ touch or His words in my current circumstances?